
Skin Rejuvenation in Encino, CA

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Skin Rejuvenation in Encino, CA

At Dermatic Medical Aesthetics, our Skin Rejuvenation treatments are designed to revitalize your skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Our expert team utilizes advanced techniques to promote collagen production and improve skin texture, leaving you with a refreshed and youthful complexion.


Our Services:

  • Microneedling: A minimally invasive treatment that stimulates collagen production, reducing the appearance of scars, fine lines, and wrinkles.
  • Chemical Peels: Customized peels to exfoliate the skin, improving tone and texture, and reducing the signs of aging.
  • Microdermabrasion: A non-invasive procedure that gently exfoliates the skin, promoting cell turnover and collagen production for smoother, younger-looking skin.
  • Sculptra: A facial injectable that stimulates collagen production, restoring volume and improving skin texture over time.
  • Vi Peel: A blend of powerful ingredients that improve skin tone and texture, reduce acne scars, and stimulate collagen production for firmer skin.
  • Cosmelan Peel: A depigmentation treatment that targets and reduces dark spots, melasma, and other skin discolorations, revealing a more even skin tone.



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$500 / $1,200

(Package of 3)

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure using thin needles. It is a cosmetic treatment that involves pricking the skin with thin, sterilized needles. These small wounds trigger your body to make more collagen and elastin, which heals your skin and helps you look younger. Microneedling can also be used on your legs, back, neck, or other areas with aging skin. 

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Chemical Peel

$350 / $900

Chemical Peels are a noninvasive cosmetic treatment used to rejuvenate the skin. Chemical peels accelerate cell turnover and trigger new growth. Peels work great to exfoliate the skin by skimming away dead skin cells and dirt. Chemical peels are cumulative. This cumulative effect means that every treatment you receive with chemical peels will improve your overall complexion.

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$350 / $900

Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive treatment to renew overall skin texture and tone. It improves the appearance of skin affected by wrinkles, acne, sun exposure, and other environmental conditions. The procedure uses a special application with an abrasive device to sand away the thick outer of the skin gently. Microdermabrasion’s goal is to rejuvenate your skin back to its youthful appearance.

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$350 / $900

Sculptra is the ultimate in skin rejuvenation. It is a biostimulator filler that triggers the natural biological collagen-rebuilding process. As a result, it smooths fine lines and deep wrinkles and is a gel-like substance. Sculptra can last up to two years but isn’t a permanent solution. Instead, Sculptra gradually gives you smooth and younger-looking skin; you may need additional injections every few years to maintain the results.

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VI Peel

$350 / $900

(Package of 3)

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Microneedling +PRP

$500 / $1,200

(Package of 3)

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Microneedling +Exosomes

$350 / $900

(Package of 3)

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Cosmelan Peel

$350 / $900

(Package of 3)


The number of treatments depends on your skin condition and goals. Our experts will create a personalized treatment plan for you.

Downtime varies depending on the treatment. Some treatments may cause redness or peeling, which usually resolves within a few days.

Results vary, but many clients notice improvements after just one treatment. Full results are typically seen after a series of treatments.

Yes, all our Skin Rejuvenation treatments are performed by experienced professionals and are considered safe when done correctly.

Discomfort is minimal for most treatments and can be managed with topical numbing creams or other techniques.

Yes, our experts can create a customized treatment plan that may include a combination of treatments for optimal results.

Results vary depending on the treatment and individual factors. Maintenance treatments may be recommended to prolong the results.

Transform your skin with our Skin Rejuvenation treatments at Dermatic Medical Aesthetics. Schedule a consultation today to discover the best treatment plan for your skin goals.

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